Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I am beginning to loathe work.
Yes. I do.
It's not because of the work I do - it's quite manageable, nothing fun but reasonable and challenging enough.
It's because of the people I work with, the person I report to.
3 out of our 5 man (or women) team are ladies above the age of 35. (dare I say it.. some > 40)
They gossip half the time, in whispers and frantic note passings, and they have the incessant need to know EVERYTHING. What I did last night, what I ate for lunch, why am I sneezing...
I miss colleagues who are MY age, the youngest (aside from me) is F who's 29. (who looks like she's 18. Her gf looks more older!)
It's really amazing how gossipy they can get, to the extent of bitching about someone who's in the next freaking cubicle.
Someone should really tell them that as you grow older your hearing becomes terrible thus your whispered gossipings are FUCKING LOUD.
I wish I could get my one year over and done with so I can put a transfer request for Sydney.
I talk to my Australian counterparts more than my actual colleagues, they are so much more FUN. And they don't get all frigid when I say FUCK. Can you believe it? My boss doesn't even know what a pussy is.
This whole office is going to turn me into a nun I swear to God.

So that's work guys.